Our story

We are Custom Innovative Solutions.

“Classic problems solved with modern solutions”

From the beginning

Since I was born I have been in the construction industry, My dad has been a general contractor since 1976. My brother is an electrical contractor specializing in agriculture and one off electrical systems for commercial and residential applications. I got my general B license in 2012 at age 25. When we get together all we talk about is industry and how we can improve on it and the biggest problem is labor cost and competing with cash contractors.

A little background

I’ve been welding as a hobby since high school I have always tried to incorporate welding into my business. So every construction project I have I end up creating a tool, jig, or organizer to make our job more efficient and accurate. Which inadvertently turned into what is now CIStool. I have a passion for creating unique products or just improving an existing one.

The outcome

With labor becoming increasingly expensive and skill dwindling I have worked non stop to try and figure out a way to increase efficiencies in the work place to minimize labor cost while improving productivity. I am a small company with typically no more than 2 apprentices and we have done projects that most contractors would have twice the labor force but with my ingenuity and ability to find a more efficient path we have succeeded and continue to improve everyday.